Get Involved

Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved in what is happening at FCC.  There are study groups, Sunday School classes, service opportunities, ministry teams, and children and youth programs.  Other opportunities may also be found in our latest newsletter, The Courier.  If you would like to get involved in any of these ministries, please contact the church office at 623-4383 or


During the 10:40 worship service children, age 4 through third grade are invited to participate in our Worship and Wonder program.   This program offers a special service tailored to young minds where children worship together and explore a Bible story. 


Programs for youth in grades 7-12 are offered year-round and include weekly gatherings (during the school year), service opportunities, parties, summer camp and trips around Kentucky.  Volunteers and FCC staff work with our youth to engage them in discussions around relevant topics, teach important Biblical principles, and encourage the development of a life-long faith.  FCC strives to create a safe and loving environment where youth can feel free to explore what it means to be Christian.

Meetings (School Year)

(Grades 5-7)
Sunday, 5- 7:00 – Banquet Hall

A meal is shared by all youth from 5:00 -5:30


Turley Bible Class
Sunday School class for adults that meets in the Fellowship Hall beginning at 9:30.

Sunday School Class for adults that meets at 9:30. Please contact the church office for directions to this class within our building.

Music Ministry
Music is an important part of every worship service throughout the year. FCC has a wonderful music program that offers opportunities for those who wish to share their musical gifts. All of our choirs are primarily offered at our 10:40 service time. For those who are interested in more information about our Chancel Choir or Handbell Choir please contact the church office.

Disciples Women’s Ministry (DWM)
DWM is a ministry to all women in the church through events, service projects, fellowship opportunities, and study. Throughout the year there are many activities and events designed to raise funds to support organizations that make a difference in our community and beyond.

Women’s Fellowship Groups (aka Circle Groups)
In addition to other planned activities, DWM offers several groups that meet monthly from September through May for fellowship and service.

Men’s Ministry
The Disciples Men’s Ministry exists to create opportunities for fellowship, shared meals, service, and study for all the men of FCC.  Information about upcoming activities, times, and locations can be found in the monthly newsletter.

Service Opportunities
Through our mission in the community and service to people, we take seriously the words of Jesus that call us to love our neighbor. FCC has a long history of service that continues today. While regular service opportunities are found below, our newsletter, The Courier, provides a more up-to-date listing of what is available.

God’s Outreach Backpack Program
Backpacks are packed once per month at FCC to send home with children in the Madison County School System to ensure they have weekend meals.

Open Concern Clothing Bank
Open Concerns provides clothing to school-age children within the Madison County School System.

Home Meals Delivery
Volunteers to this program assist with delivering meals to those who are homebound in Richmond.